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Fly Control Auckland

Flies are known to spread a lot of potentially dangerous and deadly diseases. The 'fly poo' that you see on your ceiling, door frames, etc. is actually a mark that flies leave by regurgitating saliva as they break down their food. When a fly does this on a potential food source, they are transferring an acidic saliva onto the food to break it down and then suck it back up, effectively possibly transferring salmonella and gastric infections onto what you are about to eat.  The most nuisance flies are the common house fly and blow flies, where often housekeeping and having a spray treatment from Dan's Property Services can be of great help. 

Dan's Property Services recommend fly treatment to all interior areas and front and rear porches, plus any other potential problem areas observed by the technician at the time of treatment.

Can I do it myself?

While there are some do-it-yourself fly control products on the market, they are generally ineffective unless proper and continued maintenance is carried out. It is worth remembering that if chemicals are used in do-it-yourself pest control, they can be dangerous to humans and pets if mixed or used improperly.

Flies can quickly breed and contaminate food. Our fly specialists will thoroughly inspect your building inside and out, looking for signs of flies and eggs.

At Dan's Property Services, we strive to give customers a rapid, efficient service and make every effort to be with you as soon as possible.

Call Dan's Property Services now for all you fly control needs!

Payment Options

We accept Zip. No Interest, No Fees, No Hassle.


Our van carry's mobile eftpos and accepts credit card for your convenience.

Our Products

Our Products have been tested and proven in New Zealand.


We are proudly 100% NZ owned & operated.

WINZ Quote

We are now a WINZ Approved Supplier so can provide free quotes.


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